NetCDF reading and writing

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Read from one netCDF file

>>> from dimarray import read_nc, get_datadir
>>> import os
>>> ncfile = os.path.join(get_datadir(), '')  # get one netCDF file
>>> data = read_nc(ncfile)  # load full file
>>> data
Dataset of 2 variables
0 / time (451): 1850 to 2300
1 / scenario (5): u'historical' to u'rcp85'
tsl: (u'time', u'scenario')
temp: (u'time', u'scenario')

Then access the variable of choice

>>> %pylab # doctest: +SKIP
>>> %matplotlib inline # doctest: +SKIP
>>> _ = data['temp'].plot()
>>> _ = plt.legend(loc='upper left') # doctest: +SKIP
Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Load only one variable

>>> data = read_nc(ncfile,'temp') # only one variable
>>> data = read_nc(ncfile,'temp', indices={"time":slice(2000,2100), "scenario":"rcp45"})  # load only a chunck of the data
>>> data = read_nc(ncfile,'temp', indices={"time":1950.3}, tol=0.5)  #  approximate matching, adjust tolerance
>>> data = read_nc(ncfile,'temp', indices={"time":-1}, indexing='position')  #  integer position indexing

Read from multiple files

Read variable ‘temp’ across multiple files (representing various climate models). In this case the variable is a time series, whose length may vary across experiments (thus align=True is passed to reindex axes before stacking). Under the hood the function py:func:dimarray.stack is called:

>>> direc = get_datadir()
>>> temp = read_nc(direc+'/cmip5.*.nc', 'temp', align=True, axis='model')

A new ‘model’ axis is created labeled with file names. It is then possible to rename it more appropriately, e.g. keeping only the part directly relevant to identify the experiment:

>>> getmodel = lambda x: os.path.basename(x).split('.')[1] # extract model name from path
>>> temp.set_axis(getmodel, axis='model', inplace=True) # would return a copy if inplace is not specified
>>> temp
dimarray: 9114 non-null elements (6671 null)
0 / model (7): 'CSIRO-Mk3-6-0' to 'MPI-ESM-MR'
1 / time (451): 1850 to 2300
2 / scenario (5): u'historical' to u'rcp85'

This works on datasets as well

>>> ds = read_nc(direc+'/cmip5.*.nc', align=True, axis='model')
>>> ds.set_axis(getmodel, axis='model', inplace=True)
>>> ds
Dataset of 2 variables
0 / model (7): 'CSIRO-Mk3-6-0' to 'MPI-ESM-MR'
1 / time (451): 1850 to 2300
2 / scenario (5): u'historical' to u'rcp85'
tsl: ('model', u'time', u'scenario')
temp: ('model', u'time', u'scenario')

Write to netCDF

Let’s define some dummy arrays representing temperature in northern and southern hemisphere for three years.

>>> from dimarray import DimArray
>>> temperature = DimArray([[1.,2,3], [4,5,6]], axes=[['north','south'], [1951, 1952, 1953]], dims=['lat', 'time'])
>>> global_mean = temperature.mean(axis='lat')
>>> climatology = temperature.mean(axis='time')

Let’s define a new dataset

>>> from dimarray import Dataset
>>> ds = Dataset({'temperature':temperature, 'global':global_mean})
>>> ds
Dataset of 2 variables
0 / time (3): 1951 to 1953
1 / lat (2): 'north' to 'south'
global: ('time',)
temperature: ('lat', 'time')

Saving the dataset to file is pretty simple:

>>> ds.write_nc('/tmp/', mode='w')

It is possible to append more variables

>>> climatology.write_nc('/tmp/', 'climatology', mode='a')  # by default mode='w'

Just as a check, all three variables seem to be there:

>>> read_nc('/tmp/')
Dataset of 3 variables
0 / time (3): 1951 to 1953
1 / lat (2): u'north' to u'south'
global: (u'time',)
temperature: (u'lat', u'time')
climatology: (u'lat',)

Note that when appending a variable to a netCDF file or to a dataset, its axes must match, otherwise an error will be raised. In that case it may be necessary to reindex an axis (see Reindexing: align axes). When initializing a dataset with bunch of dimarray however, reindexing is performed automatically.

New NetCDF4 storage

New in version 0.2.

Since version 0.2, the methods above are a wrapper around :class:dimarray.DatasetOnDisk class, which allows lower level access with a DimArray feeling.

>>> import dimarray as da
>>> import numpy as np
>>> dima = da.DimArray([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], axes=[('time',[2000,2045.5]),('scenario',['a','b','c'])])
>>> dima.units = 'myunits' # metadata
>>> dima.axes['time'].units = 'metadata-dim-in-memory'
>>> ds = da.open_nc('/tmp/', mode='w')
>>> ds['myvar'] = dima
>>> ds['myvar'].bla = 'bla'
>>> ds['myvar'].axes['time'].yo = 'metadata-dim-on-disk'
>>> ds.axes['scenario'].ya = 'metadata-var-on-disk'
>>> ds.yi = 'metadata-dataset-on-disk'
>>> ds.close()

Let’s check the result:

>>> ds2 = da.open_nc("/tmp/", mode="a")
>>> ds2
DatasetOnDisk of 1 variable (NETCDF4)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
myvar: (u'time', u'scenario')
>>> ds2.summary()
DatasetOnDisk of 1 variable (NETCDF4)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
    units: u'metadata-dim-in-memory'
    yo: u'metadata-dim-on-disk'
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
    ya: u'metadata-var-on-disk'
myvar: (u'time', u'scenario')
    units: u'myunits'
    bla: u'bla'
//global attributes:
    yi: u'metadata-dataset-on-disk'
>>> ds2['myvar']
DimArrayOnDisk: 'myvar' (6)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
>>> ds2['myvar'].values  # doctest: +SKIP
<type 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
int64 myvar(time, scenario)
    units: myunits
    bla: bla
unlimited dimensions:
current shape = (2, 3)
filling on, default _FillValue of -9223372036854775806 used
>>> ds2['myvar'][:]
dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])
>>> ds2['myvar'][2000, 'b'] = 77
>>> ds2['myvar'][:]
dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
array([[ 1, 77,  3],
       [ 4,  5,  6]])
>>> ds2['myvar'].ix[0, -1] = -1
>>> ds2['myvar'][:]
dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null)
0 / time (2): 2000.0 to 2045.5
1 / scenario (3): u'a' to u'c'
array([[ 1, 77, -1],
       [ 4,  5,  6]])
>>> ds2.close()

Create a variable with unlimited dimension

>>> import dimarray as da
>>> ds = da.open_nc('/tmp/', 'w')
>>> ds.axes.append('time', None)
>>>['time']  # underlying netCDF4 object  # doctest: +SKIP
<type 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'> (unlimited): name = 'time', size = 0

Fill-up the variable:

>>> ds['bla'] = da.DimArray([1,2,3,4,5], dims=['time'], axes=[list('abcde')])
>>>['time'] # underlying netCDF4 object   # doctest: +SKIP
<type 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'> (unlimited): name = 'time', size = 5

Append some new slices:

>>> ds['bla'].ix[5] = da.DimArray([66], dims=['time'], axes=[['f']])
>>>['time'] # underlying netCDF4 object    # doctest: +SKIP
<type 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dimension'> (unlimited): name = 'time', size = 6
>>> ds['bla'].read()
dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null)
0 / time (6): u'a' to u'f'
array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5, 66])
>>> ds.close()