Source code for dimarray.lib.transform

""" Additional transformations
import warnings
import numpy as np
from dimarray.core import Axes, Axis


def interp1d_numpy(obj, values, axis=0, **kwargs):
    """ interpolate along one axis: wrapper around numpy's interp

    obj : DimArray
    values : 1d array, or Axis object
    axis, optional : `str` (axis name), required if newaxis is an array

    interpolated data (n-d)
    warnings.warn(FutureWarning("Deprecated. Use DimArray.interp_axis"))
    return obj.interp_axis(values, axis=axis, **kwargs)

interp1d = interp1d_numpy

[docs]def interp2d(dim_array, newaxes, dims=(-2, -1), **kwargs): """ Two-dimensional interpolation Parameters ---------- dim_array : DimArray instance newaxes : sequence of two array-like, or dict. axes on which to interpolate dims : sequence of two axis names or integer rank, optional Indicate dimensions which match `newaxes`. By default (-2, -1) (last two dimensions). **kwargs : passed to scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator method : 'nearest' or 'linear' (default) bounds_error : True by default fill_value : np.nan by default, but set to None to extrapolate outside bounds. Returns ------- dim_array_int : DimArray instance interpolated array Examples -------- >>> from dimarray import DimArray, interp2d >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 2]) >>> y = np.array([0, 10]) >>> a = DimArray([[0,0,1],[1,0.,0.]], [('y',y),('x',x)]) >>> a dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / y (2): 0 to 10 1 / x (3): 0 to 2 array([[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.]]) >>> newx = [0.5, 1.5] >>> newy = np.linspace(0,10,5) >>> ai = interp2d(a, [newy, newx]) >>> ai dimarray: 10 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / y (5): 0.0 to 10.0 1 / x (2): 0.5 to 1.5 array([[0. , 0.5 ], [0.125, 0.375], [0.25 , 0.25 ], [0.375, 0.125], [0.5 , 0. ]]) Use dims keyword argument if new axes order does not match array dimensions >>> (ai == interp2d(a, [newx, newy], dims=('x','y'))).all() True Out-of-bounds filled with NaN: >>> newx = [-1, 1] >>> newy = [-5, 0, 10] >>> interp2d(a, [newy, newx], bounds_error=False) dimarray: 2 non-null elements (4 null) 0 / y (3): -5 to 10 1 / x (2): -1 to 1 array([[nan, nan], [nan, 0.], [nan, 0.]]) Nearest neighbor interpolation and out-of-bounds extrapolation >>> interp2d(a, [newy, newx], method='nearest', bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / y (3): -5 to 10 1 / x (2): -1 to 1 array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.], [1., 0.]]) """ from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator # back compatibility _order = kwargs.pop('order', None) if _order is not None: warnings.warn('order is deprecated, use method instead', DeprecationWarning) if _order == 3: warnings.warn('cubic not supported. Switch to linear.', DeprecationWarning) kwargs['method'] = {0:'nearest', 1:'linear', 3:'linear'}[_order] _clip = kwargs.pop('clip', None) if _clip is not None: warnings.warn('clip is deprecated, set bounds_error=False and fill_value=None \ for similar results (see scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator)', DeprecationWarning) if _clip is True: kwargs['bounds_error'] = False kwargs['fill_value'] = None # provided as a dictionary if isinstance(newaxes, dict): dims = newaxes.keys() newaxes = newaxes.values() if not isinstance(newaxes, list) or isinstance(newaxes, tuple): raise TypeError("newaxes must be a sequence of axes to interpolate on") if len(newaxes) != 2: raise ValueError("must provide two axis values to interpolate on") if len(dims) != 2: raise ValueError("must provide two axis names to interpolate on") x0 = dim_array.axes[dims[0]] y0 = dim_array.axes[dims[1]] # new axes xi, yi = newaxes xi = Axis(xi, # convert to Axis yi = Axis(yi, ## transpose the array to shape .., x0, y0 dims_orig = dim_array.dims dims_new = [d for d in dim_array.dims if d not in [,]] + [,] dim_array = dim_array.transpose(dims_new) _xi2, _yi2 = np.meshgrid(xi.values, yi.values, indexing='ij') # requires 2-D grid _new_points = np.array([_xi2.flatten(), _yi2.flatten()]).T def _interp_map(x, y, z): f = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), z, **kwargs) return f(_new_points).reshape(_xi2.shape) if dim_array.ndim == 2: newvalues = _interp_map(x0.values, y0.values, dim_array.values) dim_array_int = dim_array._constructor(newvalues, [xi, yi]) else: # first reshape to 3-D, flattening everything except horizontal_coordinates coordinates dim_array = dim_array.flatten((,, reverse=True, insert=0) newvalues = [] for k, suba in dim_array.iter(axis=0): # iterate over the first dimension newval = _interp_map(x0.values, y0.values, suba.values) newvalues.append(newval) # stack the arrays together newvalues = np.array(newvalues) flattened_dim_array = dim_array._constructor(newvalues, [dim_array.axes[0], xi, yi]) dim_array_int = flattened_dim_array.unflatten(axis=0) # reshape back # ...replace old axis names by new ones of the projection dims_orig = list(dims_orig) # ...transpose dim_array_int = dim_array_int.transpose(dims_orig) # add metadata dim_array_int.attrs.update(dim_array.attrs) return dim_array_int