Source code for dimarray.core.align

""" Functions and dimarray methods associated to array alignment
from __future__ import print_function
from future.utils import string_types
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import itertools
import warnings
import numpy as np

from dimarray.config import get_option
from import is_DimArray
from dimarray.core.axes import Axes, Axis
from dimarray.core.indexing import locate_many

__all__ = ["broadcast_arrays", "align", "stack", "concatenate"]

def get_dims(*arrays):
    """ find all dimensions from a variable list of arrays (or any object with `axes` attribute)
    Note: not in public API, but used by other modules
    dims = []
    for o in arrays:
        for ax in o.axes:
            if not in dims:
    return dims

def _get_axes(*arrays):
    """ find list of axes from a list of axis-aligned DimArray objects
    dims = get_dims(*arrays) # all dimensions present in objects
    axes = Axes()

    for dim in dims:

        common_axis = None

        for o in arrays:

            # skip missing dimensions
            if dim not in o.dims: continue

            axis = o.axes[dim]

            # update values
            if common_axis is None or (common_axis.size==1 and axis.size > 1):
                common_axis = axis

            # Test alignment for non-singleton axes
            if not (axis.size == 1 or np.all(axis.values==common_axis.values)):
                raise ValueError("axes are not aligned")

        # append new axis

    return axes

[docs]def align_dims(*arrays): """ Align dimensions of a list of arrays so that they are ready for broadcast. Method: inserting singleton axes at the right place and transpose where needed. Note : not part of public API, but used in other dimarray modules Examples -------- >>> import dimarray as da >>> import numpy as np >>> x = da.DimArray(np.arange(2), dims=('x0',)) >>> y = da.DimArray(np.arange(3), dims=('x1',)) >>> align_dims(x, y) [dimarray: 2 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1 1 / x1 (1): None to None array([[0], [1]]), dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (1): None to None 1 / x1 (3): 0 to 2 array([[0, 1, 2]])] """ # If dimensions are already equal, do nothing lst = {o.dims for o in arrays} if len(lst) == 1: return arrays # Determine the dimensions of the result newdims = get_dims(*arrays) # Reshape all DimArrays newarrays = [] for o in arrays: o = o.reshape(newdims) newarrays.append(o) return newarrays
[docs]def broadcast_arrays(*arrays): """ Analogous to numpy.broadcast_arrays but with looser requirements on input shape and returns copy instead of views Parameters ---------- arrays : variable list of DimArrays Returns ------- list of DimArrays Examples -------- Just as numpy's broadcast_arrays >>> import dimarray as da >>> x = da.DimArray([[1,2,3]]) >>> y = da.DimArray([[1],[2],[3]]) >>> da.broadcast_arrays(x, y) [dimarray: 9 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 1 / x1 (3): 0 to 2 array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]), dimarray: 9 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 1 / x1 (3): 0 to 2 array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]])] """ # give all objects the same dimension (without changing the size) arrays = align_dims(*arrays) # get axes object made of all non-singleton common axes try: axes = _get_axes(*arrays) # fails if axes are not aligned except AssertionError as error: raise ValueError(error) # now broadcast each DimArray along commmon axes newarrays = [] for o in arrays: o = o.broadcast(axes) newarrays.append(o) return newarrays
def _common_axis(axes, join): """ find the common axis among a list of axes ==> proceed recursively """ assert len(axes) > 0 # recursion end if len(axes) == 1: return axes[0] # recursive call ax0 = axes[0] ax1 = _common_axis(axes[1:],join) # special cases # do not include None unless we have a singleton if ax0[0] is None: return ax1 if len(ax1) == 1 and ax1[0] is None: return ax0 # TODO: make a separate version of the axis module # with helper functions that do the basic work, without the whole # Axis machinery. This may limit the possibility of optimizing the # Axes via hidden attributes, but this would also make things simpler # and prevents false "good" ideas (such as indeed, adding hidden attributes) if join == 'outer': com_axis = ax0.union(ax1) else: com_axis = ax0.intersection(ax1) return com_axis def _get_aligned_axes(arrays, join='outer', axis=None , sort=False, strict=False): """From a list of arrays, or any object with `axes` attributes, a new list of axes. """ # find the dimensions if axis is None: dims = get_dims(*arrays) elif isinstance(axis, string_types): dims = [axis] else: if not isinstance(axis, string_types): raise ValueError("align: axis must be provided as a string") axes = Axes() for jj, d in enumerate(dims): # arrays which have that dimension ii = [i for i in range(len(arrays)) if d in arrays[i].dims] if strict and len(ii) != len(arrays): raise ValueError("align (strict=True): some arrays lack dimension {}".format(d)) # common axis to reindex on ax = _common_axis([arrays[i].axes[d] for i in ii], join) if sort: ax.sort() axes.append(ax) # assert len(axes) > 0 return axes def align(arrays, join='outer', axis=None , sort=False, strict=False): """Align axes of a list of DimArray arrays by reindexing Parameters ---------- array1, array2, ... : variable list of DimArrays or Datasets join : {"outer", "inner"}, optional method to find the common axis "outer" : union of all axes, missing values filled with NaNs "inner" : intersection of all axes Default to "outer" (can be changed with `dimarray.set_option('align.join","inner")`) sort : bool, optional Sort the axis prior to aligning. default to False axis : str, optional default to None : align all axes (must be a string since the axes do not necessarily match) strict : bool, optional if True, check that all arrays have the same dimensions Returns ------- aligned_array1, aligned_array2, ... : list of aligned DimArrays (or Dataset) See Also -------- `DimArray.reindex_axis`, `DimArray.reindex_like` Examples -------- >>> from dimarray import DimArray, align >>> a = DimArray([0,1,2],axes=[[0,1,2]]) >>> b = DimArray([1,2,3],axes=[[1,2,3]]) >>> align([a, b]) [dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null) 0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3 array([ 0., 1., 2., nan]), dimarray: 3 non-null elements (1 null) 0 / x0 (4): 0 to 3 array([nan, 1., 2., 3.])] >>> align([a, b], join='inner') [dimarray: 2 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (2): 1 to 2 array([1, 2]), dimarray: 2 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (2): 1 to 2 array([1, 2])] Also work on multi-dimensional arrays >>> a = DimArray([0,1], axes=[[0,1]]) # on 'x0' only >>> b = DimArray([[0,1],[2,3.],[4.,5.]], axes=[[0,1,2],[1,2]]) # one more element along the 1st dimension, 2nd dimension ignored >>> align([a, b]) [dimarray: 2 non-null elements (1 null) 0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 array([ 0., 1., nan]), dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 1 / x1 (2): 1 to 2 array([[0., 1.], [2., 3.], [4., 5.]])] """ # join = kwargs.pop('join', get_option('align.join')) # sort = kwargs.pop('sort', False) # axis = kwargs.pop('axis', None) # strict = kwargs.pop('strict', False) # if len(kwargs) > 0: # raise TypeError("align() got unexpected argument(s): "+", ".join(kwargs.keys())) if not (isinstance(arrays, list) or isinstance(arrays, tuple)): raise ValueError("align: only accepts list or tuple arguments. Got: {}".format(type(arrays))) # convert any scalar to dimarray from dimarray import DimArray, Dataset arrays = [a for a in arrays] # convert to list for i, a in enumerate(arrays): if not isinstance(a, DimArray) and not isinstance(a, Dataset): if np.isscalar(a): arrays[i] = DimArray(a) else: raise TypeError("can only align DimArray and Dataset instances, got: {}".format(type(a))) # find the common axes axes = _get_aligned_axes(arrays, axis=axis, join=join, sort=sort, strict=strict) # update arrays for ax in axes: for i, o in enumerate(arrays): if not in o.dims: continue if np.all(o.axes[] == ax): continue arrays[i] = o.reindex_axis(ax) return arrays align_ = align # for internal use, so that it does not conflict with "align" parameter def _check_stack_args(arrays, keys=None): """ generic function to deal with arguments for stacking accepts arrays as sequence or dict and returns a list of keys and values """ # convert dictionary to sequence + keys if isinstance(arrays, dict): if keys is None: keys = arrays.keys() arrays = arrays.values() # make sure the result is a sequence if type(arrays) not in (list, tuple): raise TypeError("argument must be a dictionary, list or tuple") # make sure keys exist if keys is None: keys = np.arange(len(arrays)) return arrays, keys def _check_stack_axis(axis, dims, default='unnamed'): """ check or get new axis name when stacking array or datasets (just to have that in one place) """ if axis is None: axis = default if axis in dims: i = 1 while default+"_{}".format(i) in dims: i+=1 axis = default+"_{}".format(i) if type(axis) is int: raise TypeError("axis must be a str (new axis name)") if axis in dims: raise ValueError("please provide an axis name which does not \ already exist, or use `concatenate`") return axis
[docs]def stack(arrays, axis=None, keys=None, align=False, **kwargs): """ stack arrays along a new dimension (raise error if already existing) Parameters ---------- arrays : sequence or dict of arrays axis : str, optional new dimension along which to stack the array keys : array-like, optional stack axis values, useful if array is a sequence, or a non-ordered dictionary align : bool, optional if True, align axes prior to stacking (Default to False) **kwargs : optional key-word arguments passed to align, if align is True Returns ------- DimArray : joint array See Also -------- concatenate : join arrays along an existing dimension swapaxes : to modify the position of the newly inserted axis Examples -------- >>> from dimarray import DimArray >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3]) >>> b = DimArray([11,22,33]) >>> stack([a, b], axis='stackdim', keys=['a','b']) dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / stackdim (2): 'a' to 'b' 1 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 array([[ 1, 2, 3], [11, 22, 33]]) """ assert not isinstance(axis, int), "axis must be a str (you are creating a new axis)" # make a sequence of arrays arrays, keys = _check_stack_args(arrays, keys) for a in arrays: if not is_DimArray(a): raise TypeError('can only stack DimArray instances') # make sure the stacking dimension is OK (new) dims = get_dims(*arrays) axis = _check_stack_axis(axis, dims) # re-index axes if needed if align: kwargs['strict'] = True arrays = align_(arrays, **kwargs) # make it a numpy array data = [a.values for a in arrays] data = np.array(data) # new axis newaxis = Axis(keys, axis) # find common axes try: axes = _get_axes(*arrays) except ValueError as msg: if 'axes are not aligned' in repr(msg): msg = 'axes are not aligned\n ==> Try passing `align=True`' raise ValueError(msg) # new axes #newaxes = axes[:pos] + [newaxis] + axes[pos:] newaxes = [newaxis] + axes # create dimarray _constructor = arrays[0]._constructor # DimArray return _constructor(data, axes=newaxes)
def _concatenate_axes(axes): """ concatenate Axis objects axes: list of Axis objects >>> a = Axis([1,2,3],'x0') >>> b = Axis([5,6,7],'x0') >>> ax = _concatenate_axes((a, b)) >>> 'x0' >>> ax.values array([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]) """ #assert np.iterable(axes) and axes #if not isinstance(axes[0], Axis): raise TypeError() if len({ for ax in axes}) != 1: print(axes) raise ValueError("axis names differ!") values = np.concatenate([ax.values for ax in axes]) return Axis(values, axes[0].name)
[docs]def concatenate(arrays, axis=0, _no_check=False, align=False, **kwargs): """ concatenate several DimArrays Parameters ----------- arrays : list of DimArrays arrays to concatenate axis : int or str axis along which to concatenate (must exist) align : bool, optional align secondary axes before joining on the primary axis `axis`. Default to False. **kwargs : optional key-word arguments passed to align, if align is True Returns ------- concatenated DimArray See Also -------- stack: join arrays along a new dimension align: align arrays Examples -------- 1-D >>> from dimarray import DimArray >>> a = DimArray([1,2,3], axes=[['a','b','c']]) >>> b = DimArray([4,5,6], axes=[['d','e','f']]) >>> concatenate((a, b)) dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (6): 'a' to 'f' array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) 2-D >>> a = DimArray([[1,2,3],[11,22,33]]) >>> b = DimArray([[4,5,6],[44,55,66]]) >>> concatenate((a, b), axis=0) dimarray: 12 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (4): 0 to 1 1 / x1 (3): 0 to 2 array([[ 1, 2, 3], [11, 22, 33], [ 4, 5, 6], [44, 55, 66]]) >>> concatenate((a, b), axis='x1') dimarray: 12 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1 1 / x1 (6): 0 to 2 array([[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]]) """ # input argument check if not type(arrays) in (list, tuple): raise ValueError("arrays must be list or tuple, got {}:{}".format(type(arrays), arrays)) arrays = [a for a in arrays] from dimarray import DimArray, Dataset for i, a in enumerate(arrays): if isinstance(a, Dataset): msg = "\n==>Note: you may use `concatenate_ds` for Datasets" raise ValueError("concatenate: expected DimArray. Got {}".format(type(a))+msg) elif np.isscalar(a): arrays[i] = DimArray(a) if not isinstance(a, DimArray): raise ValueError("concatenate: expected DimArray. Got {}".format(type(a))) if type(axis) is not int: axis = arrays[0].dims.index(axis) dim = arrays[0].dims[axis] # align secondary axes prior to concatenate # TODO: just encourage user to use align outside this function # and remove argument passing if align: kwargs['strict'] = True for ax in arrays[0].axes: if != dim: arrays = align_(arrays,, **kwargs) values = np.concatenate([a.values for a in arrays], axis=axis) _get_subaxes = lambda x: [ax for i, ax in enumerate(arrays[0].axes) if i != axis] subaxes = _get_subaxes(arrays[0]) # concatenate axis values newaxis = _concatenate_axes([a.axes[axis] for a in arrays]) if not align and not _no_check: # check that other axes match for ax in subaxes: for a in arrays: if not np.all(a.axes[].values == ax.values): raise ValueError("contatenate: secondary axes do not match. Align first? (`align=True`)") # print arrays[0] # for i,a in enumerate(arrays[1:]): # if not _get_subaxes(a) == subaxes: # msg = "First array:\n{}\n".format(subaxes) # msg += "{}th array:\n{}\n".format(i,_get_subaxes(a)) # raise ValueError("contatenate: secondary axes do not match. Align first? (`align=True`)") # print a # print '==> arrays look ok' newaxes = subaxes[:axis] + [newaxis] + subaxes[axis:] return arrays[0]._constructor(values, newaxes)
############################################################## # The functions below are meant to be used as DimArray methods ############################################################## # # Reindex axis # def reindex_axis(self, values, axis=0, fill_value=np.nan, raise_error=False, method=None): """ reindex an array along an axis Parameters ---------- values : array-like or Axis new axis values axis : int or str, optional axis number or name fill_value: bool, optional Fill data to use for missing axis value, if `raise_error` is False. raise_error : bool, optional if True, raise error when an axis value is not present otherwise just replace with `fill_value`. Defaulf is False method : {None, 'left', 'right'} method to fill the gaps (default None) If 'left' or 'right', just pass along to numpy.searchsorted. Returns ------- dimarray: DimArray instance Examples -------- Basic reindexing: fill missing values with NaN >>> import dimarray as da >>> a = da.DimArray([1,2,3],axes=[('x0', [1,2,3])]) >>> b = da.DimArray([3,4],axes=[('x0',[1,3])]) >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3]) dimarray: 2 non-null elements (1 null) 0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3 array([ 3., nan, 4.]) Or replace with anything else, like -9999 >>> b.reindex_axis([1,2,3], fill_value=-9999) dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3 array([ 3, -9999, 4]) """ if isinstance(values, Axis): newaxis = values values = newaxis.values axis = elif np.isscalar(values) or type(values) is slice: raise TypeError("Please provide list, array-like or Axis object to perform re-indexing") else: values = np.asarray(values) # Get indices ax = self.axes[axis] # indices = ax.loc(values, mode='clip', side=method) indices = locate_many(ax.values, values, side=method or 'left') newobj = self.take_axis(indices, axis, indexing='position') # Replace mismatch with missing values? mask = ax.values.take(indices) != values if np.any(mask): if raise_error: raise IndexError("Some values where not found in the axis: {}".format(values[mask])) if method is None: newobj.put(mask, fill_value, axis=axis, inplace=True, indexing="position", cast=True) # Make sure the axis values match the requested new axis newobj.axes[axis][mask] = values[mask] return newobj def reindex_axis_with_pandas(obj, values, axis=0, fill_value=np.nan): """ Convert to and from pandas to use a faster (?) indexing method """ import pandas pandasobj = obj.to_pandas() axis_id, axis_nm = obj._get_axis_info(axis) try: newpandas = pandasobj.reindex_axis(values, axis=axis_id, fill_value=fill_value) except TypeError: # older versions of pandas do not have the fill_value parameter newpandas = pandasobj.reindex_axis(values, axis=axis_id) newobj = obj.from_pandas(newpandas) # use class method from_pandas newobj.attrs.update(obj.attrs) # add metadata back newobj.axes[axis_id].name = axis_nm # give back original name return newobj def reindex_like(self, other, **kwargs): """ reindex_like : re-index like another dimarray / axes instance Applies reindex_axis on each axis to match another DimArray Parameters ---------- other : DimArray or Axes instance **kwargs : Returns ------- DimArray Notes ----- only reindex axes which are present in other Examples -------- >>> import dimarray as da >>> b = da.DimArray([3,4],('x0',[1,3])) >>> c = da.DimArray([[1,2,3], [1,2,3]],[('x1',["a","b"]),('x0',[1, 2, 3])]) >>> b.reindex_like(c) dimarray: 2 non-null elements (1 null) 0 / x0 (3): 1 to 3 array([ 3., nan, 4.]) """ if hasattr(other, 'axes'): axes = other.axes elif isinstance(other, Axes): axes = other else: raise TypeError('expected DimArray or Axes, got {}: {}'.format(type(other), other)) newdims = [ for ax2 in axes] obj = self for ax in self.axes: if in newdims: newaxis = axes[].values obj = obj.reindex_axis(newaxis,, **kwargs) return obj def sort_axis(a, axis=0, key=None, kind='quicksort'): """ sort an axis Parameters ---------- a : DimArray (this argument is pre-assigned when using as bound method) axis : int or str, optional axis by position (int) or name (str) (default: 0) key : callable or dict-like, optional function that is called on each axis label and whose return value is used for sorting instead of axis label. Any other object with __getitem__ attribute may also be used as key, such as a dictionary. If None (the default), axis label is used for sorting. kind : str, optional sort algorigthm (see numpy.sort for more info) Returns -------- sorted : new DimArray with sorted axis Examples -------- Basic >>> from dimarray import DimArray >>> a = DimArray([10,20,30], labels=[2, 0, 1]) >>> a dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 2 to 1 array([10, 20, 30]) >>> a.sort_axis() dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 0 to 2 array([20, 30, 10]) >>> a.sort_axis(key=lambda x: -x) dimarray: 3 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (3): 2 to 0 array([10, 30, 20]) Multi-dimensional >>> a = DimArray([[10,20,30],[40,50,60]], labels=[[0, 1], ['a','c','b']]) >>> a.sort_axis(axis=1) dimarray: 6 non-null elements (0 null) 0 / x0 (2): 0 to 1 1 / x1 (3): 'a' to 'c' array([[10, 30, 20], [40, 60, 50]]) """ index = a.axes[axis].values # convert key to a function if key is None: ii = index.argsort(kind=kind) # the default else: if not hasattr(key, '__call__') and hasattr(key, '__getitem__'): key = key.__getitem__ ii = argsort(index, key) return a.take_axis(ii, axis=axis, indexing='position') def argsort(seq, key=None): """ equivalent of numpy's argsort in basic python Modified after >>> a = ['a', 'd', 'c'] >>> argsort(a) [0, 2, 1] >>> argsort(a, key=lambda x: {'a':2,'c':1,'d':0}[x]) [1, 2, 0] """ if key is None: _key = seq.__getitem__ else: _key = lambda x: key(seq.__getitem__(x)) return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=_key)