Source code for dimarray.config

""" Global configuration file

See rcParams for the options and rcParamsHelp for their meaning.
dimarray.print_options() provide an overview.
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

class Params(odict):
    """ class to make user interface easier, e.g. displays all parameter values
    def __repr__(self): 
        """ nicer printing to string
        lines = []
        for k in self:
            val = self[k]
            if isinstance(val, str):
                val = "'{}'".format(val)
            elif type(val) is bool:
                val = "{}".format(val)
            line = "{:>20} = {:<}".format(k,val)

        return "\n".join(lines)
        #return "\n".join(["{:>20} = {}".format(k,self[k]) for k in self])

rcParams = Params()
rcParamsHelp = Params() # help

# indexing
rcParams[''] = "label"
rcParamsHelp[''] = "'label' or 'position' (default: 'label'). Examples: ('label') 2014 or 'red'; ('position') 0, 1, 2 ..., The `.ix` attribute is a toogle between both modes.\n"

rcParams['indexing.broadcast'] = True
rcParamsHelp['indexing.broadcast'] = "bool (default: True). If True, broadcast array indices to collapse indexed dimensions into single shape, like numpy arrays, otherwise (if False) like matlab or pandas, multi-dimensional indexing treated as chained call, with dimensions independent from each other: such behaviour is normally obtained via `[...]` instead of `a[...]`.\n"

# options on operations
rcParams['op.broadcast'] = True
rcParamsHelp['op.broadcast'] = "bool (default: True). If True, broadcast arrays before an operation, according to dimension names, otherwise (if False) basic numpy rules, which may involve broadcasting in simple cases\n"

rcParams['op.reindex'] = True
rcParamsHelp['op.reindex'] = "bool (default True). If True, reindex axis before an operation, such as to match two time series. Otherwise (if False), size and indices must exactly match.\n"

rcParams['align.join'] = "outer"
rcParamsHelp['align.join'] = "str (default: 'outer'). Default alignment mode. Also used if op.reindex is True\n"

# options for display
rcParams['display.max'] = 100 
rcParamsHelp['display.max'] = "int (default: 100): max array size shown. Note: if set to large values (e.g. inf), follows numpy display.\n"

# options for netcdf
rcParams[''] = 'NETCDF4' 
rcParamsHelp[''] = 'Default format to use when writing to netCDF file (default: "NETCDF4")'

[docs]def set_option(name, value): """ set global options """ if name not in rcParams: raise ValueError("unknown option: {}".format(name)) rcParams[name] = value
[docs]def get_option(name): if name not in rcParams: raise ValueError("unknown option: {}".format(name)) return rcParams[name]